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Support for Pavel Durov from Liberstad

We, the free people of Liberstad, stand in unwavering support of Pavel Durov, the visionary CEO and founder of the Telegram app. We are disgusted and outraged—but not surprised—by the criminal and tyrannical actions of the French government, led by the despotic and criminal leader Emmanuel Macron, who has unlawfully kidnapped and caged Pavel Durov. His only "crime" is his steadfast dedication to supporting freedom of speech and the betterment of humanity.

We vehemently condemn the French government's actions, which are nothing short of criminal. This regime, led by a coward masquerading as a leader, has revealed itself as an enemy of freedom and justice.

Pavel Durov is a hero to all who cherish liberty. His work in creating and maintaining Telegram has provided millions with a platform to express themselves freely, beyond the grasp of oppressive governments.

We express our deepest gratitude to Pavel for his unwavering commitment to freedom and fervently hope for his safety. We stand with him in the face of this grave injustice and demand his immediate release from the wrongful imprisonment by the criminal organization known as the French government.

Stay strong, Pavel. The world is watching, and the forces of freedom will prevail.

In solidarity,

The Free People of Liberstad

Telegram Founder Pavel Durov

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