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Official Statement from Liberstad: Harassment and Unacceptable Behavior by Lindesnes Municipality

It is rare that we in Liberstad make public statements, but after the events of the past week, we feel compelled to shed light on the situation from our perspective. After several years of condescending and unfriendly behavior from Lindesnes Municipality, the most recent inspection in Liberstad has made it clear that we need to set clear boundaries. The past few days have marked a point where we can no longer ignore the municipality's unjust treatment and harassment.

The Municipality's Behavior – A Pattern of Harassment and Abuse of Power

Since the acquisition of the property in 2017, we have repeatedly tried to establish a constructive dialogue with Lindesnes Municipality. Unfortunately, our efforts have been met with an unfriendly, condescending, and sometimes aggressive attitude from the municipality's representatives. This behavior has been consistent throughout five inspections, where the municipality seems to be searching for illegalities and deviations, despite the fact that such issues have mostly been absent. Where minor discrepancies have occurred, we have always been willing to correct them immediately. However, the municipality's lack of openness to dialogue, as well as their failure to respond to our feedback, has made it difficult to achieve a solution-oriented process. This pattern shows a systematic lack of respect for our willingness to cooperate and an absence of any intent to conduct a constructive dialogue.

Consistent Unfriendly and Threatening Behavior

During these inspections, we have repeatedly been met with condescending and threatening behavior from the municipality's representatives. On several occasions, they have demanded access to private rooms and areas that have no relevance to building matters, and they have even gone so far as to take pictures of our personal belongings. This kind of invasion of our private sphere has been unprofessional, offensive, and has created a feeling of abuse of power.

The Last Inspection – A Turning Point

The most recent inspection, which took place this week, was the fifth in seven years. Although there have been no new construction projects or major development projects on the property since the last inspection in 2023, the municipality once again demanded full access to the property, including private rooms and areas that were not relevant to the inspection. Our activities have only consisted of the rehabilitation and upgrading of existing structures, as well as some minor projects requiring applications that we have complied with and corrected immediately. Despite this, the municipality has repeatedly sought out discrepancies without any real justification. It is also important to note that all recent inspections and meetings with the municipality have been videotaped to document the course of events.

The most concerning aspect of this last inspection was the threatening and aggressive attitude displayed by the municipality's representatives. Instead of fostering an open and constructive dialogue, I was met with demands for immediate compliance, with no opportunity for discussion or questions. When I attempted to ask questions or raise objections, I was threatened with police intervention. The municipality's behavior clearly showed that their only intention was to force me into submission, with no regard for my rights or concerns. This abuse of power, combined with the aggressive tone, has made it impossible for me to continue any cooperation under such terms.

Impact on the Children

What makes this situation even more unacceptable is that my children were present during the inspection. I had hoped that this could be a learning experience for them, where they could see how cooperation with authorities can occur in a respectful manner. Instead, they witnessed a frightening and aggressive behavior from the municipality’s representatives, which has created a sense of insecurity in their own home. As a parent, it is my duty to protect my children, and I cannot allow them to feel unsafe in their own home due to unjust behavior from public representatives.

Termination of All Dialogue with the Municipality

After the events of the past week and years of harassment from Lindesnes Municipality, we now feel compelled to terminate all further dialogue. Since the beginning in 2017, I have been accommodating toward the municipality. I have complied with the orders I have agreed with and have done my best to follow the regulations. Despite this, I have, throughout the years, been met with hostility, condescending comments, and threatening responses from the municipality’s representatives.

This is not a decision we have taken lightly, but the ongoing lack of respect for our rights and privacy has made it necessary.

We will therefore no longer respond to any form of communication from Lindesnes Municipality, whether via email, letters, or any other form of correspondence. We expect that the municipality and their representatives refrain from physically visiting our property, as the last inspection has made my family feel unsafe about the municipality’s intentions, and we ask that further harassment and threats be stopped. It is worth noting that we have videotaped all recent inspections and meetings as documentation of the municipality's actions.

Children’s Safety Must Be Prioritized

It is important to emphasize that families and children live in Liberstad, and the actions of the municipality this week have had a serious impact on them. As a parent, my highest priority is to ensure that my children feel safe in their own home. During the inspection, they were frightened by the threatening and aggressive behavior displayed by the municipality’s representatives. It is unacceptable that my children should experience fear in their home because of such incidents. This must be taken seriously, and we expect the municipality to take immediate steps to prevent similar situations from occurring in the future.

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