The Voluntaryist Covenant
Liberstad proudly identifies as a voluntaryist society, an integral part of The New Free World, anchored in the principles of voluntaryism. We firmly believe that embracing voluntaryism is the cornerstone of a peaceful, harmonious, and prosperous society. In this spirit, we wholeheartedly honor our commitment to the Voluntaryist Covenant.
The Voluntaryist Covenant represents our solemn pledge to unwavering voluntaryist principles, which highlight each individual's exclusive ownership of their life and property. We adamantly reject the initiation of force or coercion against others, championing self-ownership, the non-aggression principle, property rights, freedom of association, personal responsibility, and peaceful dispute resolution.
Through our endorsement of this covenant, we wholeheartedly dedicate ourselves to these principles in all our interactions.
We, the Voluntaryists, voluntarily and solemnly establish this Covenant to declare our commitment to the principles of Voluntaryism. We recognize that every individual is the sole owner of their life, person and property, and that no one has the right to initiate force or coercion against another person. We believe that freedom and voluntary cooperation are the keys to a just and prosperous society, and we pledge to live our lives in accordance with these principles.
Article 1: Self Ownership
We believe that every individual is the sole and sovereign owner of their own body, mind, and labor, and has the right to exercise full control over them. We reject any claim by others, including a self-proclaimed governing body or state, to own or control the lives or bodies of individuals. We pledge to respect the principle of Self-Ownership and to defend it against any aggression or violation.
Article 2: Non-Aggression Principle
We believe in the Non-Aggression Principle, which asserts that it is immoral to initiate force, coercion, theft or fraud against another person in order to achieve personal or collective goals. We also recognize the right of every individual to defend their person, their property and liberty against any aggression or violation. We pledge to refrain from any aggression in all our interactions and to defend ourselves accordingly.
Article 3: Property Rights
We recognize that every individual has the right to acquire property, use it, and dispose of it as they see fit provided that they do not violate the Non-Aggression Principle. We pledge to respect the property rights of others and to defend our property against any aggression or violation.
Article 4: Freedom of Association
We believe that every individual has the right to associate or disassociate with others as they see fit, and to engage in any peaceful and voluntary exchange of goods or services. We pledge to respect the freedom of association and to refrain from any coercion or aggression against individuals or groups based on their associations.
Article 5: Personal Responsibility
We recognize the importance of personal responsibility and accountability for our own decisions and actions. We acknowledge that any agreement we voluntary enter outline the rights and obligations of the parties involved. We pledge to always honor our agreements and commitments and act in good faith to defend such rights and meet such obligations.
Article 6: Dispute Resolution
We believe in the peaceful resolution of disputes through voluntary means, such as negotiation, mediation, or arbitration. We pledge to seek voluntary and peaceful resolution of any disputes that may arise between individuals or groups, and to respect decisions reached through these means.
Article 7: Education and Advocacy
We recognize the importance of Education and Advocacy in promoting the principles of Voluntaryism and advancing a free and just society. We pledge to educate ourselves about these principles and to advocate for their adoption in all areas of society.
We, the undersigned, hereby establish this covenant as a voluntary and solemn expression of our commitment to the principles of voluntaryism. We pledge to uphold these principles in all our interactions with others, and to work towards a society based on freedom, mutual cooperation, and respect for individual rights, including the principle of self-ownership, and property.
We recognize and acknowledge that this covenant is based on the natural rights of self-ownership, non-aggression, and property rights. We further acknowledge that these rights are inherent to all individuals and cannot be legitimately taken away by any human institution.
We therefore hold this covenant to be the supreme law of our voluntaryist community, and we pledge to uphold it above all other man-made laws. We recognize that this covenant supercedes all other legal codes, whether they be national, international, or otherwise.
In the event of any conflict between this covenant and any other man-made law, we shall abide by the principles set forth in this covenant, and shall take all necessary steps to ensure that our actions are in accordance with these principles.
We believe that the principles of voluntaryism provide a solid foundation for a just and prosperous society, and we are committed to promoting these principles in all areas of our lives. By signing this covenant, we affirm our commitment to these principles, and to the creation of a New Free World based on freedom, mutual cooperation, and respect for individual rights.
The Voluntaryist Covenant, established by The World Voluntaryist Organization, draws significant inspiration from the essay 'A Plea for Voluntaryism' authored by Auberon Herbert, published in 1908