The Constitution of
The Free City of Liberstad
The Free City of Liberstad is established as a sovereign, free, and independent city, unified and indivisible as one entity. Liberstad operates as a private membership community governed by the principles of voluntaryism, individual sovereignty, and natural law. No external authority or state shall hold dominion over the city or its members, and the city shall remain indivisible, preserving its unity as a single, cohesive community.
Liberstad stands as a bastion of personal freedom and autonomy, where individuals are bound only by the voluntary agreements they freely enter into, fostering a community of mutual respect and peaceful coexistence. No entity may impose coercive authority over them. This Constitution safeguards these principles, ensuring that the city remains a haven for liberty, mutual respect, and peaceful coexistence in harmony with natural law.
Article I: Sovereignty and Autonomy
Section 1: Sovereign and Independent City
The Free City of Liberstad is a sovereign and independent entity, free from the control or influence of any external state, government, or authority. It exists as a self-governing city, where members live according to the principles of voluntaryism, natural law, and individual rights.
Section 2: Unified and Indivisible
Liberstad is unified and indivisible as one entity. Its territorial integrity and governance structure shall remain whole, and no part of the city may be divided or separated from the rest. This unity reflects the voluntary association and collective will of its members.
Section 3: Autonomy of Members
The sovereignty of Liberstad rests upon the individual autonomy of its members. Each member is recognized as a free and autonomous individual, and no external force or internal entity shall impose authority upon them without their voluntary consent.
Section 4: Recognition of Natural Rights
Liberstad is founded on the recognition of natural rights, including the rights to life, liberty, and property, as inherent to all individuals. These rights are inviolable and shall be protected against any external or internal infringement.
Section 5: Non-Interventionism
Liberstad upholds a principle of non-interventionism, respecting the sovereignty of other communities and individuals, and refrains from engaging in coercive actions against external entities. The city promotes peaceful relations based on voluntary consent and mutual respect.
Article II: Membership
Section 1: Voluntary Membership
Membership in The Free City of Liberstad is a voluntary act of free association. By choosing to join, individuals consciously align themselves with the principles enshrined in this Constitution. Membership reflects a mutual commitment to uphold the values of voluntaryism, individual sovereignty, and the non-aggression principle. No one shall be compelled to join or remain in the community against their will, ensuring the inviolable right to dissociate.
Section 2: Eligibility for Membership
Membership is open exclusively to free and autonomous individuals. No individual or entity affiliated with, acting on behalf of, or under the jurisdiction of any state shall be eligible for membership. All members must be independent of any external government or state authority, ensuring that Liberstad remains a community of sovereign individuals.
Section 3: Acceptance of the Membership Agreement
Prospective members must freely accept the Membership Agreement, which affirms their dedication to natural rights, voluntary cooperation, and self-governance. The obligations outlined in the Membership Agreement are entered into consciously and voluntarily. No additional obligations may be imposed without explicit consent.
Section 4: Rights of Members
Members of Liberstad enjoy the full protection of their natural rights, including life, liberty, and property. They are free to engage in voluntary associations, form contracts, and manage their affairs without coercion. Each member’s privacy is inviolable, safeguarding personal, financial, and private matters from unwarranted intrusion.
Section 5: Responsibilities of Members
Members must respect the rights of others and uphold the non-aggression principle. They must refrain from initiating force, coercion, or fraud, thereby ensuring peaceful coexistence within the community. Members are also bound to honor the voluntary agreements they enter into, as these agreements form the foundation of all interactions within Liberstad.
Section 6: Termination of Membership
Membership in Liberstad may be terminated voluntarily at any time. Upon termination, the individual is released from all obligations related to membership, except for ongoing agreements that remain in effect. The right to dissociate is fundamental, protecting the freedom of individuals to withdraw from the community without coercion.
Section 7: Revocation of Membership
The community reserves the right to revoke membership if a member violates the non-aggression principle or endangers the safety and harmony of the city. Revocation will only occur through a fair and transparent process, ensuring that the member is afforded the right to due process and a fair hearing.
Article III: Principles of Governance
Section 1: Voluntary Participation
Governance in The Free City of Liberstad is based entirely on voluntary participation. All members voluntarily agree to the terms of the Constitution and any agreements they choose to enter into. No individual or entity within Liberstad may impose rules, obligations, or authority upon others without their explicit consent.
Section 2: Non-Aggression Principle
The city and its members are bound by the non-aggression principle, which forms a cornerstone of natural law. No individual or entity may initiate force, coercion, or fraud against another. The use of force is permitted only in self-defense or in defense of property and must always be proportionate to the threat faced.
Section 3: Private Property and Contracts
All interactions within Liberstad, whether economic or social, are founded on private property rights and contractual agreements. Members are free to enter into voluntary agreements with others, and these agreements are binding only upon the parties involved. No entity may interfere with or alter such agreements without the explicit voluntary consent of all parties.
Section 4: No Legislative Authority
There shall be no legislative body or centralized law-making authority within The Free City of Liberstad. Governance is decentralized, and members govern their own affairs through voluntary agreements, provided they respect the natural rights of others. The city operates without the imposition of laws, ensuring individual freedom and autonomy.
Section 5: Decentralized Administration
The governance of Liberstad is decentralized. Administrative entities operate solely to provide services requested and voluntarily agreed upon by members. These entities hold no coercive authority and must act within the confines of voluntary agreements made by the community. Their role is limited to facilitating the smooth functioning of the city in line with the consent of those they serve.
Section 6: Ethical Foundation
Liberstad’s governance and community structure are grounded in an ethical framework based on voluntaryism and natural law, where the rights of individuals to life, liberty, and property are inherent and inviolable. All interactions and agreements are founded on these principles, ensuring justice, fairness, and peace.
Article IV: Property Rights and Land Ownership
Section 1: Recognition of Private Property
The Free City of Liberstad upholds the absolute right of its members to acquire, own, and dispose of private property, recognizing this as an inherent natural right. Property ownership is protected from infringement by any individual or entity, ensuring that all property transactions are voluntary and free from coercion.
Section 2: Acquisition and Transfer of Property
Property in Liberstad may only be acquired or transferred through voluntary exchanges based on mutual consent. All transactions must be free from coercion, fraud, or undue influence, respecting the autonomy of the parties involved.
Section 3: Registration of Property Ownership
For property ownership to be formally recognized, it must be voluntarily registered with the Liberstad Land Registry (LLR). The LLR facilitates transparency and documentation, ensuring that property rights are clearly defined and respected within the community.
Section 4: Voluntary Land Use
Members retain full sovereignty over their property and may determine its use as they see fit. Voluntary land use agreements and zoning standards, established by the community, may guide responsible development and environmental stewardship. These agreements are binding only upon those who voluntarily consent to them.
Section 5: Transfer of Land
Land within The Free City of Liberstad may only be transferred to other members of the community. The Liberstad Land Registry (LLR) maintains records of all such transfers, ensuring transparency and clarity regarding property ownership
Section 6: Protection of Property Rights
Members have the right to defend their property from aggression, theft, or violation. Any disputes related to property ownership or use must be resolved through voluntary dispute resolution mechanisms, ensuring that all parties act in accordance with the principles of mutual consent.
Article V: Dispute Resolution
Section 1: Voluntary Nature of Dispute Resolution
All disputes within The Free City of Liberstad shall be resolved through voluntary, mutually agreed-upon methods. No member shall be compelled to participate in any dispute resolution process without their explicit consent.
Section 2: Fair Process
Members are entitled to a fair and transparent process for resolving disputes. All dispute resolutions must respect the natural rights of the involved parties and be conducted without coercion or force.
Section 3: Binding Nature of Agreements
Resolutions reached through voluntary dispute resolution methods are binding for those who have explicitly consented to the process and the agreements made. No enforcement of resolutions shall be imposed on individuals who did not agree to the terms.
Section 4: Non-Coercive Enforcement
No coercive force may be used to enforce the outcomes of any dispute resolution unless explicitly agreed upon by the parties involved. Any enforcement actions must be voluntary and in full respect of the natural rights and consent of the individuals.
Section 5: Prohibition of Punishment
Punishment of any kind is strictly prohibited. No individual, group, or entity may impose punitive measures for any crime or wrongdoing. Punishment is defined as any action intended to impose suffering or deprivation, including imprisonment, physical coercion, punitive fines, or forced labor.
Instead of punishment, disputes shall be resolved through restitution and reparation. Restitution compensates the injured party for their losses, while reparation focuses on restoring the situation to its rightful state. These measures must be proportionate to the harm caused and agreed upon voluntarily by all parties involved. The aim of dispute resolution is to repair harm and restore peace, not to impose penalties or punishment.
Section 6: Administrative Disputes
Disputes arising from the administration or operation of any administrative entity shall be resolved through the voluntary dispute resolution mechanisms outlined in this Constitution, ensuring fairness and alignment with the city’s principles.
Article VI: Defense and Security
Section 1: Voluntary Nature of Defense
The defense of The Free City of Liberstad and its members shall be based on voluntary cooperation. No member or entity shall be compelled to participate in or contribute to any defense efforts without their explicit consent. The use of force is permitted only in cases of self-defense or defense of property, and must always be proportional to the threat faced.
Section 2: Right to Self-Defense
Each member has the inherent right to defend their life, liberty, and property from aggression, coercion, or fraud. Defensive actions must respect the principles of non-aggression and proportionality, ensuring that force is only used to the extent necessary to neutralize the immediate threat.
Section 3: Non-Coercive Security
All security services provided within Liberstad shall operate on a voluntary basis, and no security provider shall have authority over members without their consent. Members are free to choose how they protect themselves and their property, whether through personal measures or voluntary cooperation with others.
Section 4: Community Defense
Voluntary defense efforts to protect the community as a whole may be organized by mutual agreement between members. Such efforts must be consensual and aligned with the non-aggression principle, ensuring that no force or authority is imposed upon those who do not explicitly agree to participate.
Section 5: External Relations and Diplomacy
Liberstad seeks peaceful and cooperative relations with external entities, based on mutual respect, voluntary consent, and non-interference. All external interactions, including defense and diplomacy, must align with the city’s commitment to non-aggression and natural rights.
Article VII: The Council
Section 1: Establishment and Purpose
The Council of The Free City of Liberstad is a non-profit, voluntary organization established to uphold and protect the Constitution. Its primary functions are to oversee administrative entities, represent the city in external matters, and ensure adherence to the city’s core principles.
Section 2: Composition
The Council is composed of the founders of The Free City of Liberstad and other members who have made significant contributions to the city.
Section 3: Duties and Responsibilities
Constitutional Oversight:
The Council is responsible for authoring and amending the Constitution. Amendments require unanimous approval by Council members. The core principles of natural rights, non-aggression, voluntary consent, and prohibition of legislative powers cannot be amended.
Administrative Oversight:
The Council oversees the operation of key administrative entities, ensuring alignment with the Constitution. The Council’s role in overseeing administrative entities is limited to ensuring that these entities operate in accordance with the Constitution’s principles of voluntaryism and non-aggression. The Council has no authority to impose rules or decisions on any administrative entity without voluntary consent.
The Council represents the city’s interests, prioritizing landowners, followed by residents, and then other members. It acts as a liaison with external entities.
Member Engagement:
The Council facilitates member input and feedback, ensuring transparent communication.
Section 4: Funding
The Council is funded exclusively through voluntary grants, donations, and contributions. It operates with financial transparency and accountability.
Section 5: Non-Governing Role
The Council has no legislative or governing powers. It functions solely as a voluntary, non-profit entity, supporting the city’s administration and representing its interests without enforcing rules or regulations.
Article VIII: Amendments and Constitutional Review
Section 1: Inviolability of Core Principles
The foundational principles of natural rights, non-aggression, voluntary consent, and the prohibition of legislative powers are absolute and cannot be amended or altered. Any attempt to modify these core values shall be automatically void, as they form the unchangeable foundation of The Free City of Liberstad.
Section 2: Proposing Amendments
Amendments to non-core sections of this Constitution may be proposed by any member of the community. These proposals must align with the core principles and uphold the voluntary nature of the community. All proposed amendments are subject to review to ensure they do not conflict with the essential values of Liberstad.
Section 3: Approval of Amendments
Amendments to non-core sections require unanimous approval by the Council. Before approval, each amendment must undergo a period of public review, allowing members to discuss and evaluate the proposed changes. No amendment shall be valid unless it is consistent with the foundational principles of the city.
Section 4: Periodic Constitutional Review
The Constitution shall be reviewed at regular intervals to ensure it continues to reflect the needs and values of the community. Any revisions or updates must strictly respect the core principles of natural rights, non-aggression, and voluntaryism.
Article IX: Implementation and Interpretation
Section 1: Supremacy and Prohibition of Legislative Powers
This Constitution is the supreme governing document of The Free City of Liberstad. All actions, decisions, and agreements by members or administrative entities must comply with its principles. Any rules, contracts, or agreements that contradict the core principles of natural rights, non-aggression, voluntary consent, or the prohibition of legislative powers are null and void.
Section 2: Voluntary Interpretation
Rights and obligations under this Constitution shall be interpreted in a manner that prioritizes the voluntary nature of membership. Interpretations shall not impose duties beyond those voluntarily agreed upon by members.
Section 3: Conflict Resolution
Disputes arising from the interpretation of this Constitution shall be resolved through voluntary arbitration or mediation. The Liberstad Dispute Resolution Organisation (LDRO) will handle these matters impartially, in line with the city’s principles.
Section 4: Amendments
Amendments to the Constitution must follow the process outlined in Article VIII. No unilateral changes are permitted, and all amendments must respect the inviolability of the Constitution’s core principles.
Section 5: Enforcement of Agreements
Enforcement of rights and responsibilities shall be based on voluntary agreements. The Liberstad Membership Organisation (LMO) and other administrative entities shall facilitate voluntary enforcement but may not use coercion.
Section 6: Protection of Individual Rights
This Constitution protects individual rights and sovereignty. Decisions or actions that infringe upon the natural rights of any member are prohibited, ensuring respect for individual self-governance.
Section 7: Transparency
All interpretations and implementations of this Constitution must be conducted transparently. Members have the right to be informed about how the Constitution is applied, with all relevant information made publicly available.

Authorship, Approval, and Vision
The Constitution of The Free City of Liberstad was authored by its founders—John Liberstad, Sabrina Liberstad, and Sondre Nordbo—and has been unanimously approved and signed by The Council of The Free City of Liberstad. This document stands as a testament to the city's unwavering commitment to the principles of voluntaryism, individual sovereignty, and natural law.
Liberstad was conceived as a refuge for individuals who reject societies built on coercion, force, and aggression. Through this Constitution, we have laid the foundation for a community that upholds peace, freedom, and respect for the natural rights of all individuals. The Constitution affirms the belief that human interaction should always be voluntary, and that society thrives when individuals are free to govern their own lives without imposed authority.
As the world’s first voluntaryist city and society, The Free City of Liberstad represents the beginning of a new chapter in human history. It is the birth of a society where people are free to live in accordance with their values and principles, unbound by coercion or violence. Liberstad offers a vision of what the world can become—one based on mutual respect, voluntary cooperation, and individual sovereignty.
This Constitution is not merely a set of rules, but a declaration of our belief in the possibility of a truly free society. It is a blueprint for a community where the rights to life, liberty, and property are paramount, where peace and freedom reign, and where each individual is empowered to live in harmony with others by choice, not compulsion.
The Free City of Liberstad marks the dawn of a New Free World. We invite all who share these values to join us in this bold experiment in human freedom and to help shape a world founded on liberty, cooperation, and respect for the rights of all.